David Kahne

One Magnificent Engineer and Recording Artist!

"I've used all the software that I know of, including Logic, Digital Performer, ProTools, and Nuendo, and the Sequoia software tops them all. What I've been looking for is software that compensates for latency in plug-ins and bussing and mix down. When I got used to Sequoia enough to get a mix going, I compared it to all the software I'd been working with over the last years I used a drum kit that I'd recorded on tape and had digitized. I did mixes using 3 other products, using multiband compressors and eq's in the same configuration in all the mixes. I did the same mix in Sequoia. When I compared mixes, I was astonished. The bottom, the imaging, the apparent level – every element of the mix _ was superior in Sequoia. My first reaction was to feel like I had mixed off tape. I heard no phasing whatsoever in the Sequoia mix. All the bells and whistles aside in all the different products, what I really wanted was a mix that stays intact phase-wise. And I've found that in Sequoia.

(The bells and whistles are great in Sequoia too, by the way. The multiband compressor is amazingly accurate and musical, and the eq just sounds like eq, not a phase shifter. And the pitch correction plug-in is ridiculous. Great program!)"

"I switched to native audio for all my computers to try to avoid some of the phasing issues inherent in certain proprietary systems. I was able to switch because of the solidity and ease of use of the RME optical audio cards. I was up and running so quickly, and within a day was free of the tyranny."

Check out David Kahne's accomplishments

David Kahne's Biography – as of 2004

The multi-talented David Kahne has produced some of the biggest names in the business: Tony Bennett, Stevie Nicks, Sublime, Sugar Ray, K. D. Lang, and The Bangles, not to mention Paul McCartney and his recent album, “Driving Rain.” He was awarded a Grammy in 1994 for producing the Album of the Year, Tony Bennett’s “MTV Unplugged.” He has also produced songs for “Vanilla Sky,” “Orange County,” “The Beach,” “Clockstoppers,” and a variety of other films and television shows. However, his career in the industry started on the opposite side of the mixing console.

A self-taught musician, Kahne began playing guitar, bass, and banjo while still in high school. He soon landed a record deal at Capitol, but quickly decided that performing didn't suit him. Fueled by the desire to defy the limits of engineering, he took a job at Hyde Street Recording in San Francisco and taught himself how to run the console. He started producing demos for local bands, many of which turned into albums and paved the way for his career as a producer.

Chris Lord, Stevie Nicks, Sheryl Crow, David Kahne, Lori Nicks, Sharon Celani, John Shanks

Kahne later transitioned into A&R, and spent many years working in the field at both Columbia and Warner Bros. Records. The positions gave him the unique ability to support records from the inside, and the influx of new musical ideas kept his producing efforts fresh and ahead of the curve. However, producing remained his first love, which motivated him to leave Warner Bros. to return to full-time independent production. He relishes his newfound freedom and loves the hands-on creativity the job brings.


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